Good Morning Year 1 
I hope you have all had an amazing weekend! This is the last week before half term, so let’s give one last push before the holidays.
Let’s start with a special song which tells us how special we are to God.
EPIC BOOKS – Reading Time
Our school is excited about using a new reading website called Epic Books.
Click on the image below and type in our class code : nlx6712
Click on your name. ( You may need to scroll down the page)
Click on your mailbox.
You will find a book and video for you.
We have chosen a book and a video for you to watch this week.
We can see what you have read and watched and choose more books for you.
Will you be a reading super star ?
( This works during school hours – you will need a grown up to help after school hours. )
Start by reading and writing our phase 3 sounds. How many can you recognise now?
In the lesson today I want you to tell me three new words you can now read.
Activity – Sentence Writing
Sentence 1
Sentence 2
Sentence 3
Follow up:
Challenge :
1.Show 2 + 13 on a cherry model .
Write the related addition and subtraction facts .
2.Show 4+ 9 on a bar model.
Write the related addition and subtraction facts.
3. Make up your own equations (number sentences) using these digits:
14 5 19
Answers at end of blog.
Let’s start our RE lesson with a short meditation. It is important that we ask God to join us in our learning, he will help us.
Our miracle today is….
Matthew 9 v. 18 – 26 – The Healing of Jairus’ Daughter
After you have watched this listen to your questions below and have a go at answering them. You can either answer them out loud or write them down in your books.
RE Questions
Story Time
Special Requests
We hope you have a great day of learning! Mrs Brookes will be back reading you a story tomorrow! See you then 🙂
From the Year 1 Team
Phonics Sentences
Sentence 1 – The chimp sings a song as he jumps up and down.
Sentence 2 – Can I plan a trip to the moon?
Sentence 3 – Can we train a dragon to come and cook for us.
Maths Challenge :
- 2+13 =15 , 13 +2= 15 , 15-2= 13 , 15-13=2
- 4+ 9 =13 , 9+4 =13 . 13-4=9 , 13-9= 4
- 14 +5 =19, 5+14=19, 19-14=5, 19- 5=14