Monday 30th March 2020

Good Morning Reception Class and God bless you,

How was your weekend? I hope you had lots of fun.

Weekend Story

At the weekend I was very busy. I painted my house. I chose the colour white to paint my doors. Now it looks nice and fresh.

  1. Can you write some sentences about what you did at the weekend? Start with the sentence…

At the weekend I


Tricky Words


1) Read and write your tricky words.

2) Choose three tricky words to put into a sentence.

We are all at home today.

He likes to eat bananas for breakfast. 

She can sing as good as a bird. 

3) Play Polly’s tricky word game.



‘Lola Gets a Cat’ by Anna McQuinn

Activity time
  1. What do you know about Lola?
  2. Does Lola make a good friend? why?
  3. Lola loves her cat. What do you love? 

4. I want you to show me what you love. You can draw a picture, take a picture or even make a video to go on our blog. 

Have a lovely day making memories.

Missing you all,

Mrs Brookes x





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