Good Morning Year 1 
Well done to you all. You have been fantastic over the last few weeks. Here we go with the last week until we start back at school on Monday!
Please don’t forget to look at our whole school approach to lent. Click on this link which will take you to the school blog.
There will be no handwriting today as I would like you to focus on our phonics lesson.
Start by writing the date into your red books.
Phase 5 Review Lesson
Can you put these following words into your own sentences.
play enjoy joy crayon
Here are the login details for phonics play.
You may log in with the following details:
username: jan21
password: home
Epic Reading
Click on the link above to access our reading for this week. Please let us know if you would like to see anything in particular.
Our class code : nlx6712
Multi Faith Week – Hinduism
In year 1 this week we are going to be learning about and celebrating the faith of Hinduism. Watch this short clip below to find out more!
Can you tell me three new things you have learnt about the Hindu faith?
Story Time
Thank you all for a wonderful day of learning!
We are looking forward to catching up with you during our telephone calls this week.
See you very soon,
The Year 1 Team
Maths answers: