Good Morning Year 1 
We hope you have had a lovely weekend and you have had lots of rest ready for the week ahead!
Here is a suggested timetable to help you structure your learning throughout the day. Each lesson has been divided into how many minutes you should spend. But please change the times to suit your day.
Wake Up – Shake Up!
Write the date neatly in your book.
Today we are going to practice the letter p, remember your finger spaces between each letter and make sure your letter p drops below the line.
How are you getting on with our phonics lessons? Is there a sound you would like to look at again? Please send us an email or comment on our blog. For today we are going to have a look at…..
Longer words
Read over your Phase 3 tricky words.
Now can you put these two sentences back into the correct order.
- going Are to we have of fun lots today?
2. like eat to I chocolate of all time. the
Click on the link below and play Tricky Trucks.
You will learn some new math words today in this super video lesson.
Now watch the video to complete the practice questions . You will need your book to record your answers.
Reading – Library Book
Take your library book which you have chosen from school or one of your own from home – find a comfy space to read and enjoy your book. Then complete this book review.
I look forward to hearing some recommendations!
Reading Oxford Owl
Oxford Owl- Click here for reading books
username: stvincentrec
password : reading
Challenge yourself!! Find a story with the tricky words are or all.
Luke 15 v. 1 – 10 – The Parable of the Lost Sheep
- Why did the Good Shepherd go looking for the sheep?
- How did he feel when he found it?
- Did he forgive the sheep?
What is forgiveness?
Draw a picture of the shepherd showing his feelings before and after he found the sheep. Add captions to describe his feelings.
- What does this parable tell us about God?
- What does it tell us about forgiveness?
- Have you ever had to forgive somebody before? Was it easy to do?
- Have people had to forgive you for something you have done?
Story Time
We hope you have had a great day of learning!
See you again bright and early in the morning,
From the Year 1 Team
Phonics Sentence Answers
- Are we going to have lots of fun today?
2. I like to eat chocolate all of the time.
RE Answers
- The Good Shepherd went looking for the lost sheep because all of his sheep are important to him.
- The Good Shepherd felt very happy and relieved when he found his lost sheep.
- The Good Shepherd forgave the lost sheep because it’s what Jesus teaches us to do.
- This parable teaches us that God will always forgive us when we do something wrong.
- This parable tells us that it is good to forgive others and be kind to other people.
- – Your own answer
- – Your own answer
Wow Year 1 what a busy day you going to have! Please say a prayer today for all our school – children and staff and parents. Have a look at this prayer –
We can’t find the Prayer Mrs Tibbits, but I will post one onto our blog for tomorrow. 🙂
I forgive all my classmates and friends I hope they do the same
It’s lovely to hear that you can forgive your classmates if there is a problem. As long as you are sorry I sure they will do the same.
Mrs Brookes 🙂