Friday 5th June 2020

Good morning !

It may be wet and cool outside but we’ll soon warm up.

It’s Friday and that means …


(You will need some pairs of rolled up  socks to jump around) 


Read these words as quickly as you can :
  • coil
  • boil
  • soil
  • join
  • oil
  • all
  • be
Click on the image below and learn more about the oi sound.


Click on the image below and follow day 5- get ready to sing !

Challenge :

You may need a grown up to help you to start with. Click on the first  image below.

Write down your answers . You can take as much time as you need to answer the questions . Choose an option: 3 seconds/ 5 seconds/ 7 seconds /10 seconds etc. Challenge yourself !

Explore the other activities on the website if you can.

Scroll and choose level 1 (purple tab)
Choose addition then up to 10 adding ones (see below)


Another super story by Julia Donaldson.

What a busy day ! Time to relax and enjoy your weekend.

Lovely to see some of you this week.

Stay safe.

Ms Chopra-Morris

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