Happy Friday! 
I hope you are finding our blog helpful. It’s nice to hear you are trying to do your learning at home. Keep it up.
Morning Wake Up
In today’s lesson you will be looking over your ure and er sounds. Have a go at blending and reading. Why don’t you have a go at writing some simple sentences using your new words?
Last lesson on 3D shapes. Did you manage to find some in your house? Pop it in the comment box below or as your adult to send me a picture in an e-mail.
Click on the link below
Watch – Sort 3D shapes
RE- Nativity Time!!
Just because we are not in school does not mean we cannot be part of our own nativity. We are going to be working with the other classes in school to create a whole school nativity.
What we need you to do is to get creative. Below is a list of ideas you may decide to do. You can create a piece of art work or even sing a carol. Whatever you decide to do please remember to take a picture or a video and e-mail into school.
Have fun being creative over the weekend. We will try too! Get your paints and colours out and let’s get messy!
Have a lovely weekend,
Year 1 team