Friday 3rd April 2020

Good Morning Reception !

Remember this ? What were we doing ? E-mail your replies or add to the comment box. (Clue : The S_ _ _ _ est   G_ _ _ t   in T_ _ _)


Friday is all about keeping healthy and active.

Let’s remind ourselves about how we wash our hands.  Click on the song below.


Move while you learn the alphabet …

Now let’s settle down …


Yesterday we looked at the air sound.

Watch Geraldine the giraffe help you learn the air sound.


Follow the link below and select the air sound . Remember you can go back  and practise any other sounds we have looked at such as igh, oi and ear.


Draw a chair.

Draw a bear on top of that chair.

Draw a book under the chair.

Draw a man with red hair.


Time to get active and recognise different feelings and moods

It’s time to take a walk on the spot but with a difference. Watch the video and copy the actions .Then see if you can play the game with somebody at home. Can they guess the mood you are in ?

Maths and story 

Time to learn about time …


Can you list five things that take you more than five minutes to complete ?

Can you list five things that take you less than five minutes to complete ?


Time to move again – it is Friday and that’s PE day !

Now time to relax with a story by Michael Rosen. Have you seen any teddy bears in your neighbourhood?