Good morning Reception ,
I hope you are all well and keeping busy.
Let ‘s start with a song and some movement.
Listen to the song.
Draw four things that you do every morning (like brush your teeth , wash your face etc)
Challenge :
Write down some rhyming words with the ‘oa’ and ‘oi’ digraph.
E.g. The goat sat on the boat .
Let’ s find one more ..
Lets find one less..
Drawing time
Get moving (It is Friday and that’s PE day !)
Try some throwing and catching at home .
Roll up a pair of clean socks and throw them to a grown up or brother or sister . If nobody is free, practice throwing them onto a target like a cushion or into an empty box/tub.
What a busy day !
Time to relax .
Have a lovely weekend . Be good and take care of each other .
Mrs Chopra-Morris and Reception team
This looks like great fun to start the day! Can we join in at school too?