Hello Year 1 !
Let’s start with a prayer
It’s Friday . Only six more school days till we are back in class !
Let’s continue with some music – you will need to listen carefully. I know you can do this lesson because we have done similar things in class . Enjoy !
( Please don’t skip this lesson – music helps children develop in many important ways and it’s fun.)
Click here or on the image below.
Write the name neatly in your book. Form your letters correctly please.
Here are your last letters and words for the week….keep going!
Phase 5 – ea sound
Watch the video and complete the activity below.
Did you think about your favourite animal ?
Today we will write an acrostic poem about our favourite animals.
An acrostic poem is a where the first letter of each line spells a word. Click here
for an example.
Here are some more animal acrostic poems to give you an idea :
Now have a go at writing your own . Use the ideas below or your favourite animal.
Please click on the image below and follow lesson 2. You will need your book and a pencil.
Exciting news !
Next week is multi-faith week . Each year group will learn about a different religion.
Also,it is World Book Day on Thursday 4th March and author, Steve Smallman, will be making some videos for our school.
Listen to a story by Steve Smallman.
Have a lovely weekend .
Stay safe and happy .
Year 1 team.
Maths answers:
Hello the maths and English are a bit hard today.
Have a nice weekend.
I hope you have enjoyed the challenge Rae ! Have a lovely weekend.