Friday 22nd May 2020

Hello Reception!

What lovely sunny weather we are having. Let’s start with a song today…


Today we will look at the ar sound and the tricky words my and he. 

Challenge 1

Can you read four ar words in a row ? ( Four words next to each other in a straight line – these can  up/ down (vertically), side to side (horizontally)  or diagonally.


Challenge 2

Use these words to complete the sentences :

park   shark   car   star

  1. Mum is driving her   _ _ _ .
  2. Last night we saw a bright     _ _ _ _ .
  3. A     _ _ _ _ _  with big teeth swam in the sea.
  4. Athen  ran in the _ _ _ _ .



Watch this short story first.

Click on the image below and follow day 2 for some worm number line fun.

Did you count back from 20 ?


Draw the worms from the video in your home learning book and practise counting back.

20 ___  18   17 ___ ___ 14 ___ ___ ___ 10 __  …


Story- Diary of a Worm

What do you do when you see a worm ? Listen to the story and find out what the children do when they see the worm.

Have a lovely weekend. It is half term next week so there will not be a daily blog but we will put some ideas up for the holiday. Remember to use your home learning packs.

Take good care.

Miss you all .

Ms Chopra-Morris





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