Category Archives: Maths

Adding more means making our number bigger…

We have been using our maths cubes to work out how much we can make when we add more.

Stem Sentence: First I had 5 green cubes. Then I added 5 yellow cubes. Now I have 10 cubes altogether.

Here the boys were able to work together to work out their maths problem.

Stem Sentence: First I had 1 white cube. Then I added 1 more white cube. Now I have 2 white cubes altogether.

Stem Sentence: First I had 4 red cubes. Then I added 3 white cubes. Now I have 7 cubes altogether. 

Ten Frame Maths!


We have been using our ten frames to help us learn one more.

Together with our partners we have been challenging them to find one more than a given number.

For example we place 5 counters onto the ten frame, we then add one more counter to the ten frame. This now gives us 6 red counters.

Stem sentence: One more than 5 is 6.


Keep checking back back to see how else we are learning to understand our numbers in more depth.