Category Archives: What’s new today?

Feast of The Annunciation

The Annunciation: A Child will be Born - Bible Activities at

‘God has chosen you. Very soon you will have a baby, you must call him Jesus.’

Today we are celebrating Mary saying yes to being the Mother of our Lord Jesus.

Dear Mary,
Thank you for saying yes to be Jesus’ mommy. We are very lucky to have you watching over us. Please keep us all safe.
Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen.

Today choose one of these activities to do.

  1. Write your own thank you prayer to Mary.
  2. Draw a picture of Mary and the Angel Gabriel.
  3. Re write the story of the Annunciation using the video to help you.

Mary          Jesus         Angel Gabriel                  Saying yes  Amen        Special     Love      Brave




Don’t forget to comment and tell your friends!

God Bless,

Mrs Brookes

Tuesday 24th March

Good Morning Reception,

Hope you have all slept really well and ready for a new day of fun and learning!

Today we are going to look at our diagraphs.

Have a go at reading these words and sentences.

















The rain was a pain.

Will a dog bark if it sees a shark?

How can you see an owl at night?


Don’t forget to comment on the learning! I will send you a message back.

God Bless,

Mrs Brookes



Monday 23rd March

Good Morning Reception Class!

What a funny Monday morning this is. I hope you are being good and listening to your Mommy’s and Daddy’s.

Every morning there will be some fun learning activities for you to do at home. Ask somebody at home to help you if you need it

  1. Phonics

Here is the youtube link for our jolly phonics song. Sing it at home and practice all of your actions!


2) Counting to 20

Here is a song to help you  with counting 1-20.

Count all of your stars, pause the video if you need to. Maybe you could practice writing your numbers too!

Have a good learning day.

Speak to you all very soon,

Mrs Brookes