Good Morning Year 1 
Let’s start the morning with prayer.
Dear God, Thank you for giving us this extra time to spend at home with our families. Help us to work hard and to make good choices. Amen
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Write the date neatly in your book.
Practice the letter y at least 10 times in your book. Remember the letter y drops below the line.
Remember to use your lead in and lead out letters in all of your writing.
Longer words
Now can you fill in these missing trigraphs?
Draw the picture into your books and then fill in the missing sounds to make the words.
Click on the link below to play a fun reading game.
This video includes guided activities and is longer than usual , so there are no extra follow up activities today.
English – The Snail and the Whale
Watch the clip of a sea snail. Look very closely, what do you notice?
- What does it look like?
- How does it move?
The Snail from our story dreams of travelling.
Draw a picture of our Snail. Then draw lots of thought bubbles around the page and fill in where you think she would like to go. Make it fun and exciting! Here are some examples…
Reading Oxford Owl
Oxford Owl- Click here for reading books
username: stvincentrec
password : reading
I recommend
Luke 15 v. 1 – 10 – The Parable of the Lost Sheep
Have another watch a listen to our bible story today. Listen very carefully as there will be an activity for you to do afterwards.
You should now know our bible story really well as we have looked at this for two days now. Have a go at drawing out and re writing the story in your own words.
Here is an example which you can follow…
Story time
The Loneliest Whale by Jessica Therrien
Thank you for a brilliant day of learning.
Please keep your emails and comments coming. I will be updating our ‘Superstars’ and ‘Special requests’ tomorrow.
From the Year 1 Team
Phonics – Trigraph answers
RE – Answers