All posts by Deleted User

Wednesday 8th April 2020

Good Morning Reception,

I hope you had a good sleep and are ready for some learning.

Let’s start by doing a wake up shake up! I know I need some energy this morning.


Holy Week- Garden of Gethsemane

In the garden Jesus sat and prayed. He asked God to look after him and keep him safe. Can you say your own prayer to God at this moment?

Dear God, 

Thank you for keeping me safe. Thank you for my family. I am enjoying spending lots of time at home with them.  I am feeling a bit scared and worried at the moment but I know you are there to look after me. 




Tricky Words! I thought we would revisit our tricky word song.

Can you put the missing tricky word into these sentences?

Today we are _____ going to have fun at home. 

______ like to eat chocolate when it is Easter. 

The Easter Bunny will bring us eggs if ____ are good. 

You can play tricky word trucks on here.

Maths – Money

Look at this video to help you understand money a little bit more.

Now have a go a playing this top marks game.

Have fun!

Speak to you soon,

Mrs Brookes

Tuesday 7th April 2020

Good Morning Reception!

What a beautiful sunny morning we are having. Sunshine Sun Clip Art With Transparent Background Free - Sun With ...

When the sun is shining I like to go for a long walk. I think the sunshine makes everything look pretty. The birds are singing and the trees are starting to blossom. What will you find on your daily walk today? Yesterday I found some ducks and green trees on my walk.  Let me know what you find in the comments.


Holy Week- The Last Supper

Firstly we are going to continue our learning of Holy Week. On Thursday it is going to be ‘Maunday Thursday’ this is when we look at the Last Supper and the Garden of Gethsemane. Today we will focus on The Last Supper.

  1. What were the Jewish people celebrating?
  2. Where did they have the Passover meal?
  3. How many disciples does Jesus have?
  4. Why does Jesus bless the bread?
  5. Why does Jesus bless the the wine? 
  6. Who is going to betray Jesus? 

Can you make your own storyboard of the Last Supper? We have done these in class.

Blank Storyboard Template with Lines Storyboard

You can draw pictures and then write about it. Try and include these words.

Jesus    Disciples     Judas     wine    bread     body    blood    bless 



Yesterday we looked at the er sound. Can you read and write these er words and sentences?

I got a letter from a farmer.
My ladder was much longer than her ladder.
Get a hammer and bang in a nail.

Username: student4991

Password: vincent2


Maths- Money 

Did you enjoy making your own shops yesterday? I hope you did. Did you take any pictures and post them in the comments so we can all see how amazing you are?

Money (UK Pound | Money chart, Money notes, Money worksheets Which coins do you know?

Play this top marks money game to help you count and learn about our coins.


Have a good fun, learning, exploring and calm day,

Speak to you tomorrow,

Mrs Brookes 🙂

Monday 6th April 2020 – Holy Week

Good Morning Reception!

I have missed writing to you these last few days. I really hope you are all keeping safe and having lots of fun at home with all of your families.

We are going to start with our Palm Sunday celebrations. Please take a look st Mr Davis’ Blog. There are lots of lovely prayer ideas you can do at home.

Palm Sunday

Can you answer these questions?

  1. Who is Jesus?
  2. Why is Jesus special? 
  3. Which animal did Jesus ride in our story?
  4. What did the people wave? 
  5. What did the people shout to Jesus? 

You could make your own palms and wave them as Jesus enters Jerusalem. If you don’t have any paper don’t worry you can wave scarves, coats and material.

Palm Palms Dance Party! - | Sunday school crafts, Easter crafts ...       How to Make a Paper Palm Tree | Palm tree crafts, Paper palm tree ...        Infant and Toddler Movement Scarves | Sharin' with Sharron



Today we are going to look at the er sound.

How many er words can you remember?

How many word were you able to read? Have another go and see if you can beat your score.

Use Polly and her phonics games to help you with our new sound.


Money! What do you already know about money? Ask your adult if they have some coins you can take a look at. You need money to be able to buy lots of nice things. Watch and listen to the story of Hassan. He is going to show you how you can use your money carefully.

Have a go at making your own shop in your home today. You could make a toy shop, shoe shop or even a food shop. Have fun and practice using these words in your play.

A Complete Guide to British Currency

How much?           sale        shop      money  penny      pound          change


Have a fun learning day. Missing you all.

God bless,

Mrs Brookes

Oxford Reading Tree

Thank you to Miss Barr for sending us this link through.

If you register onto here you can read lots of free books! These are the books we use in school so they are very helpful for our learning.

Thank you,

Mrs Brookes

Wednesday 1st April 2020

Good Morning Reception!

Looking outside today the weather is cloudy. I’m sure we can still have fun though. Can you see any shapes in the sky? I can see a cloud which looks like a tree and a dog! Free photo: Cloudy sky - Blue, Clouds, Skies - Free Download - Jooinn



Have you noticed we have started a new month today? Here is our months of the year song to remind us.

How many months are there?

Can you write them down? 

Which month is your birthday in?


Can you use these words today when you are talking and playing with your families?

o,clock         time           later           soon           shortly         morning               afternoon              evening               day             night 

The time is 11 o’clock. It is the morning. 

This afternoon I am going to go on a long walk.

It will soon be lunch time. 


Yesterday we looked at the ear sound.

  1. Use phonics play and play the speed sound game. How many can you get today? Your challenge is 20! Phase 3 phonics games and teaching ideas


Let Polly help you practice your sounds today. Select the ear sound and then have fun practising with all of the games on offer. Primary resources for literacy from Discovery Education Espresso ...




It is Lent. We need to remember that Jesus is always walking with us and he is always there to help. During this time we ask him to help us each day to make good and helpful choices to help keep us fit and healthy.

  1. Write a thank you prayer to Jesus thanking him for everything he does for us.
  2. Can you draw a picture and label it showing me all of the good choices you are making this lent?

Please take a look at our Catholic Life blog which Mr Davis is working on. He is helping us to remember what Lent is all about.

Take care and God bless,

Mrs Brookes

Tuesday 31st March 2020

Good Morning!!!!

How are you today? I am feeling happy because the sun is shining.  


ear sound

Can you read these sentences?

They zoom near to the moon. 

Did you hear an owl hoot at night?


  1. Play dragons den on phonics play

Username: march20

password: home


Last week we looked at capacity.

Can you spot these words in the numberjacks video? What do they all mean?

full         empty      half full      pour        tip      fill


Have a good day, try and enjoy some sunshine during your daily exercise.

God bless,

Mrs Brookes

Monday 30th March 2020

Good Morning Reception Class and God bless you,

How was your weekend? I hope you had lots of fun.

Weekend Story

At the weekend I was very busy. I painted my house. I chose the colour white to paint my doors. Now it looks nice and fresh.

  1. Can you write some sentences about what you did at the weekend? Start with the sentence…

At the weekend I


Tricky Words


1) Read and write your tricky words.

2) Choose three tricky words to put into a sentence.

We are all at home today.

He likes to eat bananas for breakfast. 

She can sing as good as a bird. 

3) Play Polly’s tricky word game.



‘Lola Gets a Cat’ by Anna McQuinn

Activity time
  1. What do you know about Lola?
  2. Does Lola make a good friend? why?
  3. Lola loves her cat. What do you love? 

4. I want you to show me what you love. You can draw a picture, take a picture or even make a video to go on our blog. 

Have a lovely day making memories.

Missing you all,

Mrs Brookes x





Feast of The Annunciation

The Annunciation: A Child will be Born - Bible Activities at

‘God has chosen you. Very soon you will have a baby, you must call him Jesus.’

Today we are celebrating Mary saying yes to being the Mother of our Lord Jesus.

Dear Mary,
Thank you for saying yes to be Jesus’ mommy. We are very lucky to have you watching over us. Please keep us all safe.
Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen.

Today choose one of these activities to do.

  1. Write your own thank you prayer to Mary.
  2. Draw a picture of Mary and the Angel Gabriel.
  3. Re write the story of the Annunciation using the video to help you.

Mary          Jesus         Angel Gabriel                  Saying yes  Amen        Special     Love      Brave




Don’t forget to comment and tell your friends!

God Bless,

Mrs Brookes

Tuesday 24th March

Good Morning Reception,

Hope you have all slept really well and ready for a new day of fun and learning!

Today we are going to look at our diagraphs.

Have a go at reading these words and sentences.

















The rain was a pain.

Will a dog bark if it sees a shark?

How can you see an owl at night?


Don’t forget to comment on the learning! I will send you a message back.

God Bless,

Mrs Brookes