Well done to Rae and Misan for their brilliant home learning over the weekend.
I am very happy to see you are growing your sunflowers. If you have a ruler at home you can measure to see how many cm they have grown. I have planted mine but I don’t think they are growing yet! I will have a look and upload a picture later.
Keep up the amazing work you are all doing. We are very proud of you all! Missing you lots!
How are you today? I hope you have had a lovely long weekend with your families.
On Friday we celebrated VE day. It has been 75 years since the end of the second world war! This was a very very long time ago. Watch this link below to learn a little bit more.
Can you make your own VE day poster? Here are some examples.
Ok so today I want you to revise our ch and ng sounds.
Don’t forget to be able to write our seances carefully we need to be able to form all of our letters the right way. Use this sky writer game to help you.
Can you read, cover, write and then check these sentences? Remember to count your words in your sentences to make sure you don’t miss any out. Also remember your finger spaces between words.
The chimp sings a song as he jumps up and down.
We put the tent next to the pond.
He put the milk in the sink
Click on the image above and follow Day 1 ‘The Very Busy Spider’
Watch the video and then complete the activity to the best you can.
How are you today? I hope you had a nice Easter break and managed to get out and enjoy the sunshine. I am looking forward to our learning, I hope you are too.
Let’s start by warming up our bodies. I think I know the person who can help us. Can you help me call Joe…..Joe where are you….I’m ready for my morning exercise.
Oh here he is…let’s see you working your bodies nice and hard this morning.
Phonics- Revision
Today I just want to you watch our singing videos to remind ourselves of the sound and tricky words we already know. Tomorrow I will give you some new learning!
Maths- Sharing
Watch this learning video below to show you how to share equally.
Can you have a go at sharing at home with your family? Maybe you could share some toys, biscuits or pencils, remember to make sure you all have the same at the end.
The Hungry CaterpillarÂ
Listen to our new class story. This is my favourite story!
What did the very hungry caterpillar eat on Monday?
How many apples did he eat?
What did the very hungry caterpillar eat on Tuesday?
How many pears did he eat?
What did the caterpillar eat on Wednesday?
How many plums did he eat?
What did that caterpillar eat on Thursday?
How many strawberries did he eat?
What did that caterpillar eat on Friday?
How many oranges did he eat?
How many different foods did the caterpillar eat on Saturday?
Why do you think he had a stomachache?Â
What made the caterpillar feel all better?
I hope you have a great day!! Missing you all lots!
I hope you have had a lovely weekend with your families and have enjoyed lots of chocolate. Remember when it is Easter you are allowed to have chocolate for breakfast! Shhhh it’s allowed.