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Outdoor Kitchen Role Play

Some of us have come back to school over the last two weeks.

We are enjoying seeing our friends, talking to our teachers and learning lots of fun new things.


Here we are planting and looking after our tomatoes!


Cutting and cooking our carrots in the outdoor kitchen. We make very good chefs!

It’s hard work…..

Soup anyone?


Keep checking back for more updates of our school learning.

See you soon!

Love Reception class xxx

Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Good Morning Reception,

Happy Wednesday!

Phonics – Lesson 10

Play the sentence reading game on phonics play.



Click on the image below and follow day 2.

Make a pattern on your spiral.

Can you write your own FIRST, THEN , NOW maths story ?


 Music- ‘I’ve got a grumpy face’

Which face have you got today?

Hope you are keeping safe and well.

God Bless,

Mrs Brookes 🙂

Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Good Morning Reception,

Happy Tuesday! Hope you have been enjoying the sunshine!

H Joe! Please can you help us wake up our brains this morning!


Phonics- Lesson 9

Log into phonics play. Practice reading your words with the reading robot.

Username: march20

password: home


Click on the image below and follow day 1 . This unit is based on the book The Snail and the Whale.  You don’t need  to make a chocolate wrap like they do in the video – you can use 12 dry pasta shapes or anything you have at home to count with. 

Have a go at drawing  your own spiral patterns . Can you find anything in your home or outside that has a spiral pattern ?

Listen to the story of The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson.


Let’s finish with a song. Enjoy the day!


Have a fabulous day!!


Week Beginning 18th May 2020

Hello Reception Class!

How are you today? I’m sorry I have been quiet the last two days, but  I am going to make up for it now. You don’t have to do all of this today. You might want to keep some to do over the half term next week.

Here are some fun exercises you can do. Its good to get our heart racing and practice our new skills.




Letters and Sounds Lesson 5


Once you have looked at the video you can choose one of the games below to practice your skills.

Can you have a go a reading, covering and then writing these sentences?

Can I plan a trip to the moon?
Help! Can you grab that green frog for me?
Will a clown put on a green wig or stick with his brown hair?
It smells like we might have some roast chicken tonight.
Can we train a dragon to come and cook food for us?
Will you come and have some roast bugs on toast for dinner?
This frog is strong.  His green skin has bumps.  He likes to swim in his pond.


Click on the link below to find songs from the Numberblocks team!

Mrs Chopra -Morris Has found some loving songs to help us understand our number.

Have a lovely rest of the week, I will be uploading a new story very soon. Keep watching!

Keep safe and God Bless,

Mrs Brookes 🙂

Wednesday 13th May 2020

Good morning Reception!

Happy Wednesday! 🙂

I thought I would ask Blippi to help us with our feelings. What makes you happy? Share your ideas with your adult.

I am happy when I am spending time at home playing with Oscar. I am also happy when I am eating chocolate, when I go on a long walk and when I speak to my family on the phone.


Today we are going to look at our oa and igh sounds.

Today I would like you to practice our new tricky words!

You can play the game Tricky Word Trucks Phase 4 on phonics play by clicking on the image below.

Username: march20 

Password : home



How many did you remember? Can you write any of them without looking? Have a go, challenge yourself!

Read, cover, write and then check these sentences.
It smells like we might have some roast chicken tonight.
Can we train a dragon to come and cook food for us?
Will you come and have some roast bugs on toast for dinner?



Please click on the link below and follow day 3.

Yucky Worms

I hope you enjoyed me reading you the story yesterday. Take a look at this information video below. Afterwards I would like you to make me a poster with lots of new information about worms. Can you try and put 5 new facts on there for me! If you take a picture and e-mail it to me I will put it on our blog.

I thought we would end our learning today with a song.

Remember Jesus is always with us. Talk to him when you are afraid and he will help you. How are you being a disciple of Jesus at home? Are you helping your mom, looking after your sibling or listening first time?

Have a great day!

Speak to you very soon, God bless

Mrs Brookes 🙂


Tuesday 12th May 2020

Good morning Reception,

How are you today? I am feeling very happy and refreshed. Ready for a day of fun and learning. Let’s start with a song I taught you when we first started Reception. It says it is for babies but we can still sing it. Can you remember the signs I taught you?


Now we have had a lovely sing song let’s start out learning. Starting with our phonics.


Let’s revise our  ow and air sounds.


Play buried treasure on phonics play.

Username: march20

password: home

Read, cover, write and then check these sentences. Be careful to write your sounds very carefully.
Can I plan a trip to the moon?
Help! Can you grab that green frog for me?
Will a clown put on a green wig or stick with his brown hair?



Click on the image below to follow the White Rose Maths lesson  (Day 2)



Yucky Worms

I hope you enjoy our story of the week called ‘Yucky Worms’

Have a good learning day.

Missing you all lots.

Mrs Br