Good morning reception hope you have another fun day
Keep up the good work home learners
Ashraf super work with number pairs and what an amazing tiger drawing
Abyaan I just love that tiger picture and your story page is delightful. You have worked well with your number pairs
Wow Juhaina your diagraph words are very well formed and some marvellous animal pictures. I’m so glad you’re still working on those number bonds to ten
Malick you are doing a superb job with your letter formations and your words with diagraphs
Fitness time
Don’t forget the sentence rules
Can you turn a number into a boat ?
Have a go send me your pictures
Take a break
What am I?
Work out which animal the patterns belong to
Here is a clue for two of the animal patterns above
Help your child to solve the riddle below
Well done naming the animals Malick 🙂
The vet treat five animals.
You listened well Malick good on you 🙂
juhaina done the homework, and she said,five animals .
Well done 🙂