The Tenth Station – Jesus is stripped of his garments
The soldiers humiliate Jesus by stripping him of his clothes. They take his dignity away.
This virus will take away many people’s dignity. We pray for them and they can rest assured that their dignity is intact. It is upsetting to think of others dieing without loved ones around them. Our Lord will wrap around his arms with them and us at this time.
Dear Lord
We pray that everyone in our hospitals are safe in your arms tonight. Give the NHS health workers the courage to continue the fight.
The Ninth Station – Jesus falls for the third time
With each step Jesus struggles more and more. The pain is real. The pain causes more pain. Jesus falls. Alone in the dirt……..
Now more than ever, we need to be strong. We need to be strong like Jesus. We need to believe in his strength and transfer it to our own. We can do this.
Loving Father
We pray for all of those who will lose their life in this struggle. We pray for their families. We must continue to be strong and stay indoors with our loved ones.
Eighth Station – Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem
Along his journey, Jesus passes a group of local women who are crying so much about the way he has been treated.
So many people today feel the need to weep and cry. At this time, we need to be together but alone! It sounds really strange but pick up the phone and speak to someone! Email someone, Stay in contact.
Loving God
Help us to realise that the way we respond to this virus will be judged by the next generation. Let us show compassion and love in all that we do.
The Sixth Station – Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
Veronica steps out of the crowd and wiped Jesus’ face. She looked at the heart of Jesus and saw the generous and thoughtful man that he was.
In our World today people struggle to look beneath the surface. They judge people quickly. They discriminate. In this time of need, we must help others and be generous with our actions and words….like Jesus
Loving God
Bless us with generous hearts. Let us be generous and have the courage to help others. We pray for all the health workers saving others on this day.
Simon was just visiting Jerusalem. He didn’t know Jesus. He saw the pain and agony that Jesus was going through and he offered to help.
What can we do help to one another at this point in our lives? How can we help to stop this virus? We can stay home! We can wash our hands. Like Simon then we are helping one another to get through this.
Loving God
Help us to always see when someone else is in trouble and that they need us. During these difficult times let us remember to love one another and to save lives by staying in and washing our hands.
Jesus path takes him past his mother who is a powerful source of his strength. Mary had accepted God’s plan and now it was his turn.
During this time of chaos and uncertainty the gift of a mother can be the greatest companion. Love your mum today. Give her a hug. Say Thank you. Be grateful
Loving God,
We pray that our families can be strengthened through this crisis by love. We pray for those who find themselves alone during this pandemic. May they be helped by others who care.
Jesus fell 3 times on his journey to Golgotha. He was in physical and mental main. His love for the father and for us kept him going.
During this virus outbreak. We need to lift each other up. Give someone a call. Make them laugh. Make them smile. With a few words the world can change for a moment. Lift your own spirits and lift others…
Loving God
We face some difficult times ahead and we will fall like you Lord. May we understand these challenges and help others when they fall. Lord, give us the gifts of your spirit to share with others.
The Second Station: Jesus is made to carry his cross.
This is where Jesus’ journey begins. When Jesus takes up his cross, he carries us on his shoulders. Jesus loves us so much that he wants to carry all of our burdens.
At the time of this pandemic, trust in Jesus. Trust in your own faith. Show the catholic virtues of love and compassion to the people close to you.
Loving God,
ease the burden of worry, pain and suffering that weigh us down. We pray for those working in hospitals looking after the sick. Guide them Lord in this time of great need.