Testing suitability of materials

In our class story, there is a Bluebird. If Bluebird laid an egg, which would be the most suitable material to wrap it in to protect it? Have a look at the photos to see what we found out from this experiment.


Detecting wind direction

Now that the class have moved on to learning about weather in Science, they discovered how farmers, pilots and captains of boats work out the direction of the wind. They use a tool called Wind Socks. They children then made their own windsocks and took them outside to see if they could work out the direction of the wind. Unfortunately, the wind wasn’t very strong but it was just strong enough to work out the direction for about 2 minutes.


How does a wind sock show you the direction of the wind?

How well do you clean your teeth?

Another great test of hygiene is seeing how well you can clean your teeth.

Year 2 were all given a toothbrush and toothpaste and asked to clean their teeth. Afterwards, they chewed a disclosure tablet that clings to the plaque in their mouth. They soon realised that they were not very good at cleaning their teeth! Off they went back to the sinks to clean them again…properly this time!

How long should it take to clean your teeth?

How often should you clean your teeth a day?

Here is the video we used in class to help us the second time around:

How do germs spread?

In science, Year 2 have been looking at human beings and what their needs are. They have also looked at how humans need to be hygienic to survive. This involved a fantastic experiment involving bread. We had 2 bags. One bag of bread we emptied and touched the pieces of bread, the other we didn’t. Can you see how much more mould is on the bread that was touched, after only a week.

What we learn about  hygiene in this experiment?

Do your legs get longer as you get older?

Year 2 asked the question, “Do your legs get longer as you get older?” So we decided to set up a long-term experiment. This means that it is something that we will track all year. At the end of each half term, year 2 will see how many strides it takes them to get from one side of the playground, to the other. What do you think will happen to the number of stride each half term?