All posts by Mr C Davis

Monday 15th June


5 a day





Time … Start to use the worksheets from your home pack….

Slowly work through the sheets.  VERBAL – Go through the verbal telling of the time. What time is it? Work on the past and the to.

Quarter to and quarter past etc. It is really important to learn the time. Start with the basics quarter to, quarter past and half past. Past the hour and to the hour.

Bitesize is great for this:

English – Krindlekrax


Pie Corbett Writing:  Talk for writing. Over the next week or so. I will try to explain the writing activities we have sent home with your children.

Journey to the Jungle

Complete up to page 5.

Which synonym? I can think of two! One for discovery and one for trek.

Discovery – Find     Trek – walk.

Write down your words that are similar – Use the internet sometimes.


Curious and Active are our virtues this term.

How are you active in your faith? How do you live out your faith?

Do we talk the talk or do we carry out God’s word in our lives.

Write a prayer to say how you will be active in your faith.

Friday 12th June


Maths challenge day on White Rose.

Click on the link and attempt some challenges….

Five a day

Bronze        Silver


Bronze       Silver

Timestable rockstars!!!! Keep going guys! Keep trying your best! Tell your friends! We need everybody over the weekend to play for 30 minutes a day! Click on the link…

English – Krindlekrax

How do you think Ruskin will feel now? Will he be sad? Do you think Elvis will make a good hero? Can you summarise that chapter. To summarise means to only write down the key parts of the chapter

Thursday 11th June


White Rose…. 

Classroom secrets …. 

Rockstars Challenge……

Click the link and play against Year 5… You can do it!!!

English… Krindlekrax…

Wow! The Doctor likes to sneeze! Lots of people suffer from hay fever at this time of the year.

What a nightmare Elvis Cave is!! Do you think Elvis will get the part?


Click on the image to work through the suffix ation. Really great practice for you….



Savanah – Find out about the Savanah. Think about food chains. What animals eat each other? Click on the image…..

Wednesday 10th June


White Rose Maths   –  

Classroom secrets – 

Times Tables Rockstars Challenge

Remember to go on studio. If you do not know an answer just guess and then move on until you do know an answer! Use your plans

English – Krindlekrax……

Poor old Winston. Why do you think he lost his job at the Zoo?

Could you write a reason for why Winston lost his job.

Reading – Inference a really important reading skill

Click on the image


Mastering inverted commas! Really important work also


Our Science topic is changing to habitats and you will get some work on this in your new home pack… coming soon. Here is a good game to begin with.

Click on the image for a game about woodlands….

This is a desert!!

Tuesday 9th June


White rose – 

Classroom Secrets     

Five a day Maths

Bronze          Silver


Bronze       Silver

Rockstars CHALLENGE – A big match between Year 3 and Year 5

Remember it is St Vincent’s Birmingham – B7 4HP

English – Krindlekrax day 2

What type of character is Elvis? What words would you use to describe him? Write a sentence to describe him?

What do you think Ruskin will say to him?

Can you write some sentences to describe what will happen next in the story.


What was life like for the Ancient Egyptians?

Click on the image….  Can you write a diary of an ancient Egyptian person? Or just a few comments would be good.




Monday 8th June

Hello Year 3. Welcome back for another week. We have been busily preparing packs for you to take home which will be ready soon. I think the English part of the pack  I will go through on here, so be ready. Remember 1 or 2 hours of good work is better than 6 or 7 hours of not happy learning.


Click on the link for the white Rose.

I am wary that some people may be in different places of the white rose. So work through slowly.

Five a day maths

Bronze                             Silver


Bronze                             Silver

Classroom Secrets

The Home pack work will be focused on TIME. Ask your child the time in the 12 hour clock and 24 hour clock.

Howe many days in the month song… Learn this song.#


We are going to be reading the Krindlekrax over the next few weeks.

Here is the Front cover. What could the book be about? What could the Krindlekrax be?

It is a really interesting book.

A special guest is reading today…….

What are the similarities between the family members? How are they all the same?

How do we know the school has been there a long time?

Write some sentences about predicting what will happen in the story?

The Ancient Egyptians.

What happened to the Ancient Egyptians?

Can you create your own battle scene……



Friday 5th June

Maths – White Rose Challenge Day…..


Classroom Secrets      

Mental Maths

Bronze                                           Answers

Silver                                              Answers

Rockstars Challenge

We have a big match against year 5. Log onto either studio, garage or soundcheck.


Listen to this poem performed today…..

What did you like about it?

Can you write a poem a bout Happiness?

Thursday 4th June


Maths Work!

Classroom Secrets… Always helpful.

  Times table Rock stars

Mental Maths

Bronze                                  Answers

Silver                                     Answers

English – The Green Ship – The final day….

I love this book. Did you love it? Why DID you love it or why did you not love it?

Why now do you think the book is called the Green Ship?

Can you write a few sentences to review this book…..


Remember when you are writing inverted commas they need to be at the start of what is said and at the end….Here are some examples from the story:

“What would the captain have done?” she said.

“There’s going to be a storm,” shouted Mrs Tredegar. “Come on crew, into the wheelhouse”

Look carefully where the ” are in the sentences. Try to write your own sentence from something Mrs. Tredegar said.


Watch these Science Videos


This week has been the feast of Pentecost…. Watch this video….

Could you create a picture of this. Look at some of the art associated with the Holy Spirit…..

Wednesday 3rd June


Complete and watch the Maths videos. If you feel that any of areas that your child is struggling on please let me know and I can put some resources up. Please either email me or comment on the blog!

Classroom Secrets as usual is a good start and short activities to keep your child going…

Bitesize – BBC Bitesize has some good videos etc and may help your child with daily activities to do. Again it may help with reinforcing learning or if they are struggling in an areas.

Mental maths





English. The Green Ship…….Part 3

The Lime Juice sounded tasty.

The Green Ship sounds so much fun. Maybe you play creative games like this at home. I think you could make a green ship at of our recycled junk! Why should we look after the world? Why by growing plants are we helping the world?

The storm was nasty? Who do you think the captain was???

Could you write a poem about the storm…… Go for it!!!

Science – Electricity

I put some electricity work on before Half Term. I will try to add science at least twice a week – Wednesday and Thursday –

What is Electricity?

What are electrical conductors – This will really help you understand what conducts and what does not.