Monthly Archives: May 2020

Thursday 14th May

Good Morning, year 3. Again, I hope that everyone is well and looking after their families. Remember hugs with parents are not banned! So keep giving them!


Click on the image for White rose maths.

I am going to be checking Times Table rockstars today as I need to improve my score and try to overtake some children in our class. Remember to practise on Garage and improve your school score on STUDIO!


Where would you plant the acorns? Why would you plant them there? Why did the girl plant the acorns where she did?

Make a list of places where you would plant the acorns….. Add an adjective to your nouns.

Here is my list:          The bullring – The BUSY bullring


I will put some computing on the blog after this post and the weekly worship. Stay safe everyone xxxx

Science and RE

In science, we are looking at electricity. Have a look around your house and name ten objects which need electricity to work. I am using one at the moment!

Try to write a circuit! Like from the video! Draw it using the correct symbols!


May is the month of Mary. We need to pray for Mary during this month that she can help the world overcome this virus. Can you write a prayer to Mary! What would you ask her? What would you thank her for? Can you write the prayer into the comments.

To all our Muslim families, I hope your fasting is going well. I am praying for you all x

Wednesday 12th May

I hope you are all well. Give all your parents a hug! Say I love you. Say thank you.

  Summer Week 2.

Watch the videos and try some out at home.
Keep trying to go onto Times Table Rockstars and try classroom secrets.

The Promise

Can you write what do you think the old lady means? Why has she told the girl to do what she wants? Keep practising your handwriting! Keep it nice and neat! Could you draw the city scene with the big buildings? Could you draw some of these from our own city. What buildings do you know in Birmingham that you could draw?


Tuesday 11th May


Summer Week 2. Watch the videos and try some out at home.

Keep trying to go onto Times Table Rockstars and try classroom secrets.


The Promise…….As promised here I am!

Does this city sound familiar? Does it sound like Birmingham

Could you write some sentences similar to this? How would you describe our city? Is it as bad as this? Or is it not?

I will continue with the story tomorrow……

Comprehension book 2 – Answers

Here are the answers for the second CGP comprehension book:

The Three Nanny Goats

An interview with Andy Seed

Pioneer Children

Poems about Teachers

The reluctant dragon

Caring for dogs and puppies

Mr Gum and the Biscuit Billionaire

Echo Effects

Chicken School

Plastic Bag Tree

Sky Island

Labels on Children’s Food

Oliver Twist

Nepal Earthquake Appeal

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Monday 11th May

I hope everybody had a nice weekend. This week, I will be reading a book to you! I know lots of teachers have been doing it and so now it is my turn!! Not today though!


This is the book that I will be reading to you over this week. What do you think it could be about? A promise! What type of promise? Have you ever made a promise to someone? Tell someone in your house about a promise that you have made. Did you keep or break the promise? Write an explanation about what you promised and whether you kept your promise.


Try week 2. We are not sure if you can get the worksheets off this site anymore. It may be from week 4. Let me know if you have issues and I can put some different resources up


Read the latest edition of First News by clicking on the icon.


Keep on watering your sunflowers! In the afternoon spend some time with your families, rest, be creative or just love each other!

Enjoy VE day!

Dear Year 3 children

It has been wonderful to speak to some (nearly most) of the class this week. Great to hear that you are all well and that you are doing some school work at home. It is really important to do some school work only if it is a little every day. It will really help when we all come back together.

Have a break today due to VE day.

Read this article about VE day.

Or watch this video

When you are in Year 5 and Year 6 you do a theme about World War 2, so why not become an expert now! Have a great weekend and stay safe.

Mr Davis