All posts by Mrs L Southall

Growing from seed

Yesterday afternoon we spent outside. We planted lots of seeds in different pots and wrote labels for them. We know that they need to be watered everyday for them to grow now. These will be sold out our garden centre at the end of half term! Can’t wait to see you there.



New Theme-Plants

Year 1 and 2 received an email yesterday explaining that Gregory Greenfinger’s Garden centre had been broken into. The plants had been stolen as well as many things being damaged. The children agreed to raise money for Gregory to fix his garden centre. The children want to plant seeds and grow different types of plants to sell. They will be holding a garden centre open afternoon at the end of half term, so watch this space!

Dudley Zoo Trip

After designing islands and planning which animals would live their, Year 1 and 2 needed to learn more about the animals. What better place to learn about them than the zoo? We spent the day at Dudley Zoo learning about the animals and where their natural habitat is. We had a wonderful day exploring but we were all exhausted afterwards. This has made us all even more excited to continue to learn about animals on islands.


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Sock Monster!

On Monday morning there were odd socks lying all of the classroom! Miss Darby soon found a bag of more odd socks. The sock monster must have been in to the classroom overnight. The children worked hard to pair up all of the socks. What maths could they do with the socks? They soon realised that socks always come in 2s. The children learnt how to chant in 2s using the socks to help them! What fun maths.


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