Category Archives: Maths

Sock Monster!

On Monday morning there were odd socks lying all of the classroom! Miss Darby soon found a bag of more odd socks. The sock monster must have been in to the classroom overnight. The children worked hard to pair up all of the socks. What maths could they do with the socks? They soon realised that socks always come in 2s. The children learnt how to chant in 2s using the socks to help them! What fun maths.


9A13DB75-9493-43A4-8372-B6BD43FCDCEB 157D1CC4-AD00-4127-9699-09F297577629 7ACD9649-A6E2-4A71-8535-80F83548B8D1 D58F95F1-CA58-4D78-897B-DD9238E05F46 971C3380-6576-4BD9-9027-6C7A99BB7F40 4D421023-5382-4F7A-9D76-A56E06B1F9EC

Maths this week

In this weeks maths lessons we are going to carry on using the Part-Part-Whole method to complete number sentences. The children have been using the frames and counters to complete number sentences.

When 9 is the whole number there are 5 different combinations of 2 parts….

  1.  0 and 9
  2. 1 and 8
  3. 2 and 7
  4. 3 and 6
  5. 4 and 5

We are looking at lots of different ways of writing the same number sentence.

  1.  0+9=9
  2.  9+0=9
  3.  9=9+0
  4.  9=0+9



FF24E3C7-4B3A-4E95-B9EC-098B73F0C674 41C5A1C4-5826-47A4-AF02-22445A8A87DA
