Art Exhibition

Year 4’s art work for Theme entailed an art exhibition. The art exhibition was an opportunity for parents to buy their children’s amazing work so that we could raise money to adopt a pig just like Wilbur.

The children worked well to study the design of a web, they then recreated the designs, creating web designs with chalk and on corkboards. Well done for your fantastic efforts.

Thank you to the parents for supporting this causes. Great news – we have now officially adopted a pig!

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This afternoon, Year 4 had a gymnastics class. They learnt and practiced various techniques on different carousels. For example, handstands, cartwheels, forward rolls and backward rolls. Although some of the children were not confident, all of the children tried their best which was great to see. They were also highly supportive of each other.

Well done Year 4!







Food Groups

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In our Theme lesson today, we sorted different foods into food groups. This was an engaging lesson which reinforced the previous lesson’s learnings of food group. Also, discussing the purpose of each group.


Homework 30/09/16

Throughout the week, in Maths, we have been practicing columnar addition and subtraction. The children will be showing their problem solving skills for homework this week, by solving addition and subtraction word problems. In addition, Year 4 should continue to practice their 6 times tables.


The children have spellings to learn which are homophones. Now, you may think the spellings are easy but this week’s test will assess whether the children can choose and write the correct homophone – depending on the context in which it is read in. Year 4 will also need to rewrite a paragraph but will need to insert the correct punctuation too.


Can you spot any homophones within this blog?

Respect – Feelings

In our Respect lesson today, Year 4 discussed the different feelings we experience. We discussed experiences and feelings of: anxiety, happiness, joy and sadness, to name but a few.


To all the children, who were feeling anxious about football and gymnastics competitions, we have every faith that you will be successful.

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Our Prayer Service

On Wednesday, we had our class prayer service which proved to be an amazing time of reflection. The focus of our prayer service was gratitude. We shared what and who we were thankful for. We all agreed that we were thankful for each other too.


Thank you Miss Drumgoole for leading such a wonderful prayer service.


~Let’s have an attitude of gratitude to start each day~

What are you grateful for today?



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The Monster Spider on the Ceiling!

During our English lesson this week, we read the poem ‘The Monster Spider on the Ceiling’ which was beautifully written by Paul Cookson. The children worked in groups to rehearse the poem, they also created actions to the poem to help them remember it. The main strategy used was text mapping, this strategy helped support the children’s remembrance of the poem. The children worked exceptionally well. I wonder if the children will still be able to recite the poem next week?

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Homework 23/9/16

For this week’s homework, the children will be learning 10 new spellings. Well done to all of those children who improved their scores from last week, not forgetting those who maintained 10/10 – your daily practise is not in vain. I know next week, there will be an even bigger improvement in scores.  The focus this week is on another suffix ‘tion.’

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In addition to this, the children will need to solve word problems for Maths but will firstly need to identify which operation (+/-) to use. Be careful – some questions may be a 2-step word problem.
Finally, a ‘show me what you know’ about homophones. We use them so often but it’s importance that the children are aware of the different meanings of the spellings of homophones.
Challenge: Can you list some homophones, or even near homophones?

Ash End Farm Trip


Wednesday 14th September 

This morning we (Year 4’s) set off to Ash End Farm on a double decker school bus. The children were very excited, admittedly, the staff were too. We filled the bus with sweet sounding singing, loud laughing and jovial joy. This was just the start of an amazing and adventurous day.

First, the children played in a park which was great for their social interaction. The children engaged well with each other and made sure that everyone was happy. Next, we went on a walk around the farm and a tractor-trailer journey where we saw pigs, Billy goats and donkeys.

Two brave children and I had the opportunity to hold an owl which was a great experience. We saw a range of owls and we learnt some interesting facts about this nocturnal species. Year 4, can you recall any of the facts about owls?

The experience of feeding sheep, goats and pigs, coupled with being able to hold chicks greatly contribute to making this an unforgettable day. Year 4 truly showed how brave and courageous they are as some of them overcame their fears by holding and feeding the animals.

The children represented St Vincent’s exceptionally well – they’ve continued to make us all proud.

Miss Antonio

A chickimage
