Wednesday 14th September
This morning we (Year 4’s) set off to Ash End Farm on a double decker school bus. The children were very excited, admittedly, the staff were too. We filled the bus with sweet sounding singing, loud laughing and jovial joy. This was just the start of an amazing and adventurous day.
First, the children played in a park which was great for their social interaction. The children engaged well with each other and made sure that everyone was happy. Next, we went on a walk around the farm and a tractor-trailer journey where we saw pigs, Billy goats and donkeys.
Two brave children and I had the opportunity to hold an owl which was a great experience. We saw a range of owls and we learnt some interesting facts about this nocturnal species. Year 4, can you recall any of the facts about owls?
The experience of feeding sheep, goats and pigs, coupled with being able to hold chicks greatly contribute to making this an unforgettable day. Year 4 truly showed how brave and courageous they are as some of them overcame their fears by holding and feeding the animals.
The children represented St Vincent’s exceptionally well – they’ve continued to make us all proud.
Miss Antonio