Author Archives: Deleted User


This Ash Wednesday, we learned about the temptations of Jesus in the desert. IMG_1396IMG_1397


We used drama to explore how this is relevant in our own lives, as we all get tempted.



To be more like Jesus and to follow in His footsteps, we will try to resist temptation.

We wrote encouragement in hearts to remind us of Jesus’ power in overcoming.      IMG_1401 IMG_1402 IMG_1403 IMG_1404 IMG_1405

Let’s say ‘No!’ to temptation.

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Stone Age Art

IMG_1391 IMG_1392 IMG_1393 IMG_1394 IMG_1395 IMG_1387 IMG_1388 IMG_1389 IMG_1390Year 4 have been learning about the Stone Age. We have also produced our own Stone Age art  which has been inspired by art which was produced during the Stone Age. We used mixed medias and natural resources to enhance our designs. Take a look and let us know what you think.


Last week, we investigated the components of a circuit to try and get our light bulbs to light.


Well done children for your persistence in your investigations.image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image

No Electricity!

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Did you know, at the start of the term, we had no electricity in Year 4! It was great to realise how much we rely on electricity – this was recognisable when we had to go an entire day without it!

We made sandwiches too as people without electricity struggle to have cooked meals.

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Chocolate Tasting!


During Theme last week, we completed chocolate tasting as we will be making chocolates for the homeless people. We tasted a variety of chocolates, rating their taste, appearance, texture, smell and price. We will be deciding which chocolate to use to design our own chocolates based on these range of factors.

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The Water Cycle

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Do you know much about the Water Cycle?

During Theme this week, we have learnt about the reversible changes of water. Water is a liquid. Did you know that when sun shines on water, water evaporates and turns into a gas called water vapour. Water vapour  rises and when it cools, it turns back into a liquid (droplets – this is called condensation). Water is a reversible change as it turns from a liquid, into a gas and then returns to water at a cooler temperature.



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This week we have been using our research skills to research the weather. We have been using our computing skills also to write a note to notify Annie (the homeless girl) of the weather over the next couple of weeks.





The Mysterious Sleeping Bag!

This morning, I arrived to school and grew quite puzzled. There was a sleeping bag on the field. I had to ask Year 4 to help me solve this mystery. They gave me some great ideas but let’s see if we can get to the bottom of this. So far, we believe the sleeping bag may belong to a homeless person but we don’t know for sure.




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