Well done to Years 3 and 4 for their amazing performance about The Pebble. A huge ‘thank you’ to all of the parents which attended too. We appreciate you.
Monthly Archives: July 2017
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Team Building at the Reservoir
What a Busy Week We’ve Had!
Independently, one of the prayer groups in Year 4 planned a prayer service for years 2, 4 and 4. As usual, they showed much creativity, reverence and understanding.
They asked questions such as why did Jesus feed the 5,000?
What does this teach us about how we should treat each other?
In Year 4, we have created fact files about different animals. First, we read about and researched animals of our choice. Within our collection, you will find fact files about: fish, horse, snakes and many more. We created this fact file because others might not know anything about the animals that are living on the earth.