Who is special to you?
In today’s prayer service, Year 2 took part in a prayer service on ‘Who is special to you’.
We talked about who is special to us, why they are special to us and how that makes us feel.
Miss Drumgoole and Miss Begum shared the special people in their lives.
Ellie “My Grandpa is in heaven”
Jenny “My mom because she loves me”
Malick “My elder brother Mustafa, because when my mom goes to an appointment, he looks after me”
Mohammed Arga “My dad because he buys me what he wants”
Dylan “My dad is special because he loves me”
Abyaan “My cousins and I have seven of them. They play with me and like to play with me”
Ibrahim “Fatima because she takes care of me”
Emmanuel “My mom because she cooks food for me and gives me strawberries”
Lillian “Everybody is special to me”
Doha “My mom, she makes good food”
Alicia “ My brother Matthew”
Luana “ My cousin Mia, because she plays with me”