As part of our new unit of Maths on shapes, we have been exploring how to make shape patterns
Category Archives: News
Prayer service for Gratitude
Year 2 took part in a prayer service this afternoon. We wrote what we were grateful for and thankful to God for.
scripture: Thessalonians 5: 12-28

This morning we have began to look at 2D and 3D shapes. We explored how we could find 2D shapes in 3D shapes.
Design Technology lesson
Today in D.T. We have been looking at structures including framework. We used straws, masking tape and string to create the framework for a swing.

Remembrance Day Workshop
This morning in Year 2, we ran a successful workshop for parents to attend to find out a bit about Remembrance Day
Design Technology
Today we began our new topic in Design Technology looking at Structures.
we discussed what a structure was, what is is made of and were able to draw a structure.
We also had a go at make a cylinder (3D shaped) using paper and glue, ensuring that it is flat on both sides in order for it to stand on its own (freestanding).
Speak out, Stay safe
This morning we watched an assembly about speaking out and staying safe by the NSPCC.

Maths lesson
Today In Year 2 we have been using the ten frames and number lines to count on from 10 to work out our answers.

St Bernadette Relic Tour 2022
Today we took part in watching the live stream of the St Bernadette Relic Tour 2022, saying the prayers together and learning about the life of St Bernadette.

Festival of Rescue 2022
Today we had lots of fun visiting the UKRO West Midlands Festival of Rescue. We spoke to the Fire Fighters, the Paramedic and the Police and found out lots of information about how important their jobs are and how they help us. We also learnt how sign language letters from Deaf World.