Today we carried out our own in-class Advent Prayer Service. We listened to “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”.
We asked ourselves how we would welcome other people into our home/school/church:
Show them around our church – Lillian
Be friends with them – Juhaina
Praise people for coming – Alicia
Help them if they are hurt – Mohammed Arga
Share with them – Bright
Make them happy Emmanuel
Play with them – Malick
Cheer them up – Ashraf
Give them faith and hope – Jannat
Ask them if they need anything – Hasham
Say hello and make food for them – Rukayya
Come Lord, come again
Come Lord, your wounded world is yearning
for you to come again.
Come Lord, your weary world is crying out
for you to lift us up
out of our despair, our hunger,
our thirst for something better,
our need for the food that will last.
Come Lord, come again,
we need to begin again.
Sue Allerton/CAFOD
God of hope
God of hope,
we cling to you,
for your renew the face of the earth.
Through the gift of your Son,
our Lord Jesus,
we follow you on the path of dawn.
Enlightened by your love and wisdom,
help us to lead each other
and all creatures
back to your open arms.
Light up our lives
Christ, come into our world of darkness
Light up our lives with your coming.
Fulfil all our longings with the joy of your birth
Strengthen our resolve to work for change in our world
And to share the hope of your birth that each Advent brings.
God asks us to be ready to welcome Jesus when he comes. we can do this by:
celebrating the song of God
Being brothers and sisters and show,in glove and care to everyone
being faith-filled and having hope
being blessed