Monday of Holy Week

Today’s Gospel is John 12:1-11

Mary Anoints Jesus
Six days before the Passover Jesus came to Bethany, the home of Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. There they gave a dinner for him. Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those at the table with him. Mary took a pound of costly perfume made of pure nard, anointed Jesus’ feet, and wiped them[a] with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.  But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (the one who was about to betray him), said,  “Why was this perfume not sold for three hundred denarii[b] and the money given to the poor?” (He said this not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief; he kept the common purse and used to steal what was put into it.) Jesus said, “Leave her alone. She bought it[c] so that she might keep it for the day of my burial. You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.”

Jesus is getting ready for his death! He understands the scriptures and what is going to happen.

Walk with us
Jesus, you know what it’s like
to feel abandoned
lost and afraid.

Walk with us

And show us how to walk with others,
who live in fear,
who face death
through hunger or war.
Show us how to pray
for those we do not know
and will not meet,
but who are always loved by you.

Walk with us Jesus, Amen.

Linda Jones/CAFOD

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Jesus enters Jerusalem as a hero, as a King but not all are happy with this.

This video is great and it continues into the Last Supper also.

Have a look at one of our previous Palm Sunday celebrations in school. One day this will be us again….

Try this prayer at home as a family with a crucifix.

Mother or a child: (From the words of Pope Pius XII On the Sacred Liturgy. ) Dearly beloved, in Holy Week, when the most bitter sufferings of Jesus Christ are put before us by the liturgy, the Church invites us to come to Calvary and follow in the blood-stained footsteps of the divine Redeemer, to carry the Cross willingly with him, to reproduce in our hearts his spirit of expiation and atonement, and to die together with him.

Father: We ought to glory in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ

Family: in whom is our salvation, life and resurrection.

Father: Let us pray. All-powerful, eternal God, you have chosen to give mankind a model of humility; our Savior took on our flesh, and subjected himself to the Cross. Grant us the grace to preserve faithfully the lessons he has given us in his Passion and to have a share in his resurrection. This we ask of you through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son.

Family: Amen. Favor this dwelling, Lord, with your presence. Far from it repulse all the wiles of Satan. Your holy angels — let them live here, to keep us in peace. And may your blessing remain always upon us. This we ask of you through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son.

Father: Let us bless the Lord.

Family: Thanks be to God.

Father: May the almighty and merciful Lord, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, bless and keep us.

Family: Amen.

Stations of the Cross – The Fifteenth Station

The Fifteenth Station –  Jesus rises from the dead.

This time next week is Easter Sunday and a day of great celebration. Jesus beats death,

With new life brings hope. During this difficult time, we must hope, we must not give up. Our faith needs to get us through this lockdown. Hope needs to remain in our hearts.

Loving God

We give thanks for all of those trying to help us. Place hope within their hearts, place faith within their hearts. We remember those who have lost their lives already during this crisis. They will never be forgotten.


Stations of the Cross – The Fourteenth Station

The Fourteenth Station – Jesus is laid in the tomb.

Joseph of Arimathea was brave enough to ask Pilate for Jesus’ body. He showed courage and enabled Jesus to have a proper burial place.

Our faith is about to be tested. Our faith is being tested more than ever. It is time to show our own dignity. It is time to show our love. It is time to show our courage like Joseph. Now is the time….

Loving Father

We pray for those who are losing their lives during this pandemic. We pray for those who are trying to save lives. We pray for those making difficult decisions at the moment about our safety.


Stations of the Cross – Thirteenth Station

Thirteenth Station – Jesus is taken down from the cross

Jesus is taken down from the cross. His mother cradles his body. Mary is heartbroken.

Over the next few weeks in our world, people will be mourning the deaths of loved ones. Let us really pray for these families and share their pain.

Loving God

Be with all those who find themselves alone or scared during this pandemic. Let us come together as God’s family to support eachother.


Stations of the Cross – Station Twelve

Station Twelve – Jesus dies on the Cross

After hours or torment and pain, Jesus calls out to the world that ‘It is finished’. He has fulfilled scripture and with this Jesus gives up his spirit. Jesus’ love is showered onto the earth forever at this moment.

People have been walking the opposite way towards God for a long time now. With this global pandemic, now is the time to walk to God. Now is the time for our faith and love for God and one another to shine.

Loving God

We pray that Jesus’ death can change how we live our lives today. May that strength of faith shine through our characters and love for one another.


Stations of the Cross – The Eleventh Station

The Eleventh Station – Jesus is nailed to the Cross.

The appalling treatment of Jesus concludes with being nailed to a Cross. The very people Jesus came to help have now punished and abandoned him.

Let us not put up barriers at this time of great need. Now is the time for us all to be brothers and sisters. How? Through prayer and by staying indoors is how we show care. Dream of a time when we will all be together safely again. This will happen, we need to believe it.

Loving God

Let us remember our brothers and sisters around the world. Our love for them and our love of the world can see us through this pandemic. It can help us to remember that love conquers all.


Stations of the Cross – The Tenth Station

The Tenth Station – Jesus is stripped of his garments

The soldiers humiliate Jesus by stripping him of his clothes. They take his dignity away.

This virus will take away many people’s dignity. We pray for them and they can rest assured that their dignity is intact. It is upsetting to think of others dieing without loved ones around them. Our Lord will wrap around his arms with them and us at this time.

Dear Lord

We pray that everyone in our hospitals are safe in your arms tonight. Give the NHS health workers the courage to continue the fight.
