Year 4 produced a stunning assembly today based on the Jesuit virtues of being generous and grateful. Here are some video clips of their amazing performance.
Year 4 produced a stunning assembly today based on the Jesuit virtues of being generous and grateful. Here are some video clips of their amazing performance.
The children in year 2 have been learning about the different miracles of Jesus. Today they learned about the miracle of Jarius’ daughter. They understand that Jesus is a healer.
After this they role played the Sacrament of the Sick with the help of Mr O Brien. They really thought about the seriousness of this Sacrament and how we must care and pray for the Sick.
Some Children from year 5 today led a prayer service today about living the faith. Year 5, 3 and 1 attended the prayer service as we were told by Jesus to live our faith through the Gospel of St. Matthew. At St. Vincent’s we live the faith and are trying to make our small part of Birmingham beautiful.