Our Lent Prayer Service

On Tuesday 28th February –Shrove Tuesday, Year 2 held a beautiful collective worship where children were sat in a circle with a tree in the centre as their focus point. We discussed the children’s understanding of Lent and were able to answer the following questions that we’d asked before half term:

  • What does Lent lead up to?
  • Why is Lent 40 days long?
  • What do Christians do during Lent?
  • When does Lent finish?

Children were extremely respectful throughout our collective worship and showed us just how good they are as friends when they listened attentively to one another speaking.

Children were then given a leaf each and asked to write one thing that they were sorry for, then they were told to turn their leaves over and write a Lenten promise that they would try hard to keep for the next 40 days. We called this activity turning over a new leaf. After this, children hung their leaves on our tree that had been our focus point and that remains in our classroom as a reminder of the promises that we have made.

Well done Year 2!

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Our Science Investigation featuring Traction Man

Parachutes for Traction Man’s Adventure!

Year 1 and Year 2 carried out an investigation that considered whether the size of Traction Man’s parachute affected the time that it took him to reach the ground.

First they discussed the investigation and predicted what they thought might happen when we changed the size of Traction Man’s parachute. Following this, children went outside where they carried out the experiment. There were three different sized parachutes but all of the other variables (the height at which Traction Man ‘jumped’ from) remained the same.  Once children had finished their experiment, they went back into class to write up their results.

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