Category Archives: News


Happy Birthday to our faith! Today is the feast of Pentecost when the disciples received the Holy Spirit and began the Christian Church.

The Holy Spirit is an eternal gift from God. Let us use the gift wisely.

The Holy Spirit is coming

Pentecost is coming…. Be ready for the Holy Spirit… Open your hearts… open your conscience…… be ready…..More now than ever…

Help us….

Think of the symbols associated with Pentecost…

Acts 2:1-4. When the day of Pentecost came. Pastel & pen. 26 May 2012.

Eid Mubarak

To all our Muslim families

We know this Eid will be like no other. We know how difficult this must be. As a school community we rejoice with you on the breaking of the fast. We pray for you all and remember that we are all brothers and sisters in this world.